How to join
We welcome newcomers at every session.

Starting Jitsu could not be simpler. All you need is some loose clothing - jogging bottoms and a t-shirt or normal gym kit is ideal - a couple of hours spare one evening and that is about it.
Jitsu is run in an exceptionally safe and careful way. Every club has at least one qualified First Aider and beginners start very gently and slowly so there is no need to be anxious about coming along for your first time!
When you arrive at your first session a member of the club committee will ask you to complete a membership form. This needs to be done before you start training but it only takes a few moments to complete. This is mandatory for insurance purposes and does not commit you to anything. If you like, you can download a copy of the membership form in advance and arrive with it completed ready to hand to us.
Jitsu is a very social art so don’t be surprised when you get asked if you would like to join us in the bar afterwards - we would enjoy getting to know you better.
Jitsu is also a very low cost activity to pursue, especially compared to some other martial arts. After your first 2 free weeks we ask members for "mat fees". These are conveniently paid per session so if you miss a session you don't pay! This is meant to be more flexible for our members but if you would like to pay for several sessions in advance, this is also possible. Mat fees are £2.50 for the employed and £2 for students and concessions. Once per year members are also required to pay for insurance with The Jitsu Foundation (TJF) and British Jiu Jitsu Association (BJJA), which is recognised by Sport for England. This enables members to train at any of the many TJF clubs around the country and costs £25. Everyone who trains with us becomes part of TJF. It is made up of and run by training members and instructors, led by the Tertiary Board of instructors. If you are a new member, welcome.
We pride ourselves that the Foundation is a friendly, safe and inspiring place to train in martial arts. We also place a high value on having a very strong social scene at every level; club, regional and country.
Read testimonials from club members here.
To let you know what to expect, we've put together a broad overview of our yearly activities:
University of Surrey students are required by the Students' Union to pay £10 admin fee per sports club they wish to join. All of this goes to the Union and is used to subsidise sporting activities.
Follow this link to pay now:
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